Regular Council Meeting - November 14, 2012
NOVEMBER 14, 2012
PRESENT: Lori Kelley, Scott Huss, Randy Snyder and Jerry Twombly. Kevin Lackey was absent.
ALSO PRESENT: Mike Batchelder, Brandon Whetstine, John Petrik, Terri Butrick, Dennis Lentz, Dorothy Dively, David Diveley, Ted Collins and Bill Butrick.
PRESIDING: Mayor Ken Stewart.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present.
Jerry Twombly moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held October 10, 2012. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Jerry Twombly moved to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held October 23, 2012 to discuss the new zoning ordinance. Randy Snyder 2nd, moton carried.
Randy Snyder moved to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held October 23, 2012 to discuss Police Personnel. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Lori Kelley moved to approve the bills for the month of October, 2012. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Robert Powell had requested an electrical protector box at the Fire Station/Community Center. Randy Snyder moved to have metal poles placed in concrete by city maintenance in front of the electrical boxes. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Police Chief Brandon Whetstine asked if speed limit signs should be placed on newly asphalted W. Avenue and W. Missouri Streets. Jerry Twombly moved to have 20 M.P.H. speed limit signs posted on W. Missouri and W. Avenue. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
John Petrik asked about placing a large propane tank at his business, if storage units were allowable under zoning regulations, if the City had any intentions of asphalting the Fire Station/community Center Parking lot, if City Police could post their office hours for the public, if the stop sign could be moved up from it’s current location at the intersection of Main and Ives and if the City had considered doing anything different with the ATV Ordinance. Mayor Stewart informed Mr. Petrik that the City would look into his questions about propane tanks, storage units, the stop sign being moved and law enforcement hours, however, the Parking lot issue is not being considered at this time due to the cost and that most people he had talked with about the ATV Ordinance did not want it changed. City Attorney Ted Collins stated that he had talked with the College about the regulations involved with both ATV and golf cart operation.
Terri Butrick informed the Council that she would like to purchase two benches, in memory of her son Dyllon, and have them placed at the roadside park or somewhere in town for the public to use. The Council agreed to allow the placement of the benches and for Mrs. Butrick to get together with Mayor Stewart to work out the placement and security of the benches.
Jerry Twombly stated he had been asked about the progress of a grocery store in Highland. Mayor Stewart gave a brief update and said the City would continue to do whatever they could to help out.
Randy Snyder asked why the flags were not put up for the Veteran’s Day holiday.
Scott Huss asked about the flag pole in front of City Hall. Mayor Stewart stated that if work was done on the sidewalk it would probably be looked into at that time.
Scott Huss of the Street & Alley Committee gave a report on the asphalt patch work that was done at the bottom of the high school hill.
Mayor Ken Stewart informed everyone of the Public Hearing to be held at the Courthouse in Troy on November 28, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for the proposed new zoning ordinance.
Dennis Lentz asked the City to reconsider changing his property in Block one and to leave it as R-3 due to future plans he had involving the property. Scott Huss moved to leave Lentz’s property in Block one as R-3. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Mr. Lentz also asked about his properties located off of E. Virginia Street and agreed to meet with City Attorney Ted Collins and Mayor Stewart to discuss those changes as well.
Scott Huss moved to increase the outside city limit minimum water rate to $29.50 for the first one thousand gallon and to increase the reconnect fee to $25 for delinquent shut-offs and the administrative fee to $40 and to implement these changes in Ordinance #511. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried 3-1 with Twombly voting no.
Scott Huss moved, seconded by Randy Snyder, to approve Ordinance #511. An Ordinance of the City of Highland, Kansas, relating to the rates and fees charged in connection with the waterworks system. By roll call vote: Snyder-yes, Kelley-yes, Twombly-no, Huss-yes. Motion carried 3-1.
Scott Huss moved, seconded by Randy Snyder, to approve Ordinance #512. An Ordinance of the City of Highland, Kansas, fixing the charges for use of the sewage disposal system in said City. By roll call vote: Snyder-yes, Kelley-yes, Twombly-yes, Huss-yes. Motion carried.
Jerry Twombly moved to approve change order #3 for the 2012 street project and to have Mayor Stewart sign. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Lori Kelley moved to approve the final pay application of $41,494.20 and have Mayor Stewart sign. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Scott Huss moved to approve the completion of work certificate form and have Mayor Stewart sign. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
David Diveley informed the Council that he had received a bid from Kim Barber Const. of approximately $7700 to tear out and redo the sidewalk in front of the Hardware store and that he would also do the entire sidewalk in front of City Hall if the City were interested. Jerry Twombly moved to pay twenty five percent of the cost of the sidewalk for the Hardware store and to have Mr. Barber meet with the City about replacing the entire walk to the street. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
John Petrik asked about ADA compliant sidewalk corners and possibly designated semi-truck parking on the 300 block of W. Main in front of Degginger Park. Mayor Stewart stated the City would look into these requests.
City Clerk Bill Butrick updated the Council on the 2012 budget. He stated that all funds should stay within the budget as long as spending tapered off for the end of the year and no further spending was done from the Street fund.
Jerry Twombly moved to accept the low bid of $599 for the purchase of a laptop computer and installation of programs for City Hall from Heartland Business Machines. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
Scott Huss moved to accept with regret the resignation/retirement of City Clerk Bill Butrick effective December 14, 2012. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Mayor Ken Stewart announced that an open house would be held at City Hall on December 14th for Butrick’s retirement and that cake and drinks would be served from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.8:02 p.m. Randy Snyder moved to go into executive session for twenty minutes to discuss personnel and for City Clerk Bill Butrick to remain. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
8:22 p.m. Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
8:22 p.m. Lori Kelley moved to go back into executive session for fifteen minutes to continue personnel discussion and to have Police Chief Brandon Whetstine attend. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
8:29 p.m. Lori Kelley moved to come out of executive session. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
A brief discussion was held concerning purchasing a crack sealer from State Surplus Property. No action was taken at this time.
Scott Huss moved to offer the part-time Assistant City Clerk’s position to JoAnn Karn at $10 per hour and to start with the pay period beginning of December 1, 2012. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
8:34 p.m. Scott Huss moved to adjourn. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.