Regular Council Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2013
JANUARY 9, 2013 7:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Jerry Twombly, Randy Snyder, Kevin Lackey, Scott Huss
ALSO PRESENT: Joann Karn, Dennis Snyder, Dennis Lentz, Brandon Whetstine, Colton Huss, Albert Edie, Sean Price, Candice Prell, Michael Hunsaker, Scott Sisk, Pam Twombly and Melanie Hollabaugh.
PRESIDING: Mayor Ken Stewart
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present.
Randy Snyder moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held December 12, 2012. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
Scott Huss moved to approve the bills for the month of December, 2012. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Stewart informed the Council that Council member Lori Kelley had resigned her position due to the fact that she was no longer living in the City of Highland. City Clerk Melanie Hollabaugh read a paragraph from Charter Ordinance #1 of the City of Highland pertaining to the filling of Council vacancies and the procedures for Council appointment by the Mayor. Mayor Stewart presented the Council with a list of people who had said they would be willing to accept appointment for the vacant Council position and asked the Council to submit their opinion on who they would like to see appointed. The names on the list included; Dennis Lentz, Jim Watts, Nathan Idol and Dennis Snyder. After reviewing the Council’s selections, Mayor Stewart announced he would like to appoint Jim Watts to the City Council and asked for a motion from the Council to approve his decision. Jerry Twombly moved to approve Mayor Stewart’s appointment of Jim Watts to the City Council. Kevin Lackey 2nd. Jerry Twombly and Kevin Lackey voted yes, Scott Huss and Randy Snyder voted no and Mayor Stewart broke the tie by voting yes. The motion carried 3-2.
Albert Edie expressed his concern on how one of the City Police officers handled a situation at his residence. Mayor Stewart asked Mr. Edie to contact him next Monday so they could meet and address the problem. Albert Edie also mentioned that the road leading to his residence is in very poor shape.
Scott Sisk thanked City Clerk Melanie Hollabaugh for her help with his alcohol application for the State.
Randy Snyder asked about the “milky” water that some people around town are still having a problem with. Mayor Stewart stated that KRWA had been in town again this week and said there is an issue with an air release foot valve that could be causing the problem with air in the water lines around town. The Mayor continued by saying that City Maintenance is working on getting the valve replaced.
Council member Randy Snyder said that something should be done with East Missouri street in front of the Edie’s residence. Mr. Snyder agreed that the road is in very bad shape. Mayor Stewart said he would talk with County Foreman Bobby Edie to see what the best option would be to improve the road.
Council member Jerry Twombly asked if the exchange of the old City shop the the old Fire station had been completed. Mayor Stewart said he had been advised by City Maintenance that it should be complete by the end of next week.
Mayor Stewart explained to the Council that the Police Chief is in need of a new computer. The City has spent over $200 in parts and labor this last year to keep the computer running. Jerry Twombly moved to purchase a new desk top computer from Heartland Business Machines for $629 and to allow for additional costs for networking and antivirus. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
Kevin Lackey moved to extend Schmitz Lawn Care contract for mowing of City properties for 2013 at the same price as last year of $4875.00. Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried 3-1 with Snyder voting no.
7:20 p.m. Scott Huss moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes to discuss personnel and for Police Chief Brandon Whetstine to remain. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
7:40 p.m. Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
Due to a procedural error, Kevin Lackey moved to rescind the motion made earlier in the meeting which approved the Mayor’s appointment of Jim Watts to the City Council. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
Randy Snyder moved to accept with regret the resignation of Council Member Lori Kelley. Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.
Kevin Lackey moved to approve Mayor Stewart’s appointment of Jim Watts to the City Council. Jerry Twombly 2nd. Jerry Twombly and Kevin Lackey voted yes, Scott Huss and Randy Snyder voted no and Mayor Stewart broke the tie by voting yes. Motion carried 3-2.
Jerry Twombly moved to make revisions to the Community Center Rental Application to include: daily rentals up to 2 hours - $25; daily rentals more than 2 hours up to 4 hours - $50; daily rentals 4 hours or more - $100; damage/cleaning/reservation deposit remains at $250; alcohol permit fee ramains at $50; and contact for building rental - City Hall (785-442-3765) and/or City Clerk Melanie Hollabaugh (785-850-1633). Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 3-1 with Snyder voting no.
7:45 p.m. Scott Huss moved to adjourn. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried 4-0.
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Mayor City Clerk