Regular Council Meeting - March 14, 2012

03/15/2012 14:42




                                    MARCH 14, 2012                                    7:00 P.M.


PRESENT:  Randy Snyder, Scott Huss, Kevin Lackey, Jerry Twombly and Lori Kelley (7:24 p.m)

ALSO PRESENT:  Brandon Whetstine, Mike Batchelder, Michael James, Dana Clary, Dorothy Diveley, Angie Idol, Mary Lou Glynn, Mari Ann Parker, Ted Collins, Linda Collins and Bill Butrick.

PRESIDING:  Mayor Ken Stewart.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present.

Randy Snyder moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held February 8, 2012.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.

Randy Snyder moved to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held March 5, 2012.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.

Kevin Lackey moved to approve the bills for the month of February, 2012.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.


Mary Lou Glynn spoke of recycling and stated that Nemaha County would take old TV’s and computers as long as a place is designated to pick them up. 

Mayor Stewart reviewed the involvement of the City over the last several years in helping with Pride Clean-Up.  He stated that he would like to see this scaled back where the City would donate $200 to Pride and provide City Maintenance help for one afternoon.  There was a brief discussion and the Council agreed with Mayor Stewart’s recommendation. 

Mari Ann Parker informed the Council that no date had been set at this time for Pride Clean-Up and she would get back with the City to let them know when Clean-Up Day would be and discuss any other issues that may arise.


Angie Idol spoke briefly about the possibility of the WDC Club needing a place for their recycling.  She talked about how important this fund raiser is to the kids and asked if the City would allow them to use the east side of the old city shop building.  The Council agreed to allow the WDC Club use of the building and to have the City Clerk check on the insurance. 

Dorothy Diveley thanked the City Maintenance crew for taking care of the banners.  She also asked the City Council’s opinion on having banners placed around town.  The Council agreed to discuss this issue at a later date.

Mary Lou Glynn informed the Council that Marie Hoffpauer is now taking care of the City’s website. 

Dana Clary asked about the time frame for asphalting West Avenue.  Mayor Stewart informed her that asphalting should start in May and that the new surfacing should go as far as their driveway and that any drainage or erosion issues would be taken care of.


Law Enforcement Committee Chairman Jerry Twombly stated that the committee had met on the possible purchase of a new police vehicle or repairing the current police car.  He stated that the City had already budgeted for the possible purchase of a police vehicle and that the price to repair the old police car didn’t seem cost effective.  Police Chief Brandon Whetstine reported on the cost of repairs to the car over the last 3 years and explained that there is little remaining value on the car that we have now.  Whetstine presented bids from Aberle Ford, Hullman’s Ford, and Car City.  Lori Kelley moved to accept the low bid of $24,939 to include trade-in of the old car and government discounts from Hullman’s Ford for a 2012 F150.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried 4-1 with Huss voting no.     


    Police Chief Brandon Whetstine presented his activity report to Council for the month of February.  It is as follows:  4 arrests, 13 citations, 5 verbal warnings, 38 calls for service, 3 assists to other agencies, 2 accident reports, and 17 criminal reports. 

Chief Whetstine informed the Council of Police Officer Art Buckingham’s injury that occurred on March 6th.  He stated that Art would probably be off work for 6-8 weeks due to a shoulder injury and that other agencies have offered part-time assistance until Officer Buckingham is able to return. 

The Council reviewed bids from Atchison Fence and Master Halco for fencing at the well site.  After a brief discussion, Randy Snyder moved to reject bids at this time and to have City Maintenance install a pipe gate at the well site.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried. 

Mayor Stewart reported on the ball park usage by the College and the High School.  He stated that City Attorney Ted Collins will be meeting with representatives from both schools and establish a contract for all entities to approve. 


Randy Snyder moved to accept the contract of Long CPA to perform the City’s 2011 Audit and 2013 Budget.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.

Scott Huss moved to proclaim April as Fair Housing Month.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.

Mayor Ken Stewart, City Attorney Ted Collins and City Clerk Bill Butrick discussed their meeting with Brian Kingsley of BG Consultants concerning the City’s water rate structure for USDA loan consideration. 

Mayor Stewart stated he will be holding a phone conference on March 15, with representatives from USDA and Rural Water District #6 to discuss options for the Rural District purchasing water from the City. 

7:55 p.m.  Scott Huss moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss personnel and for City Attorney Ted Collins and City Clerk Bill Butrick to remain.  Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.

8:10 p.m.  Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.

8:10 p.m.  Jerry Twombly moved to go back into executive session for 5 minutes to continue personnel discussion.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.

8:15 p.m.  Kevin Lackey moved to come out of executive session.  Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.

Jerry Twombly stated that he is requesting the west 88 feet of the alley in block #105 be vacated.  City Clerk Bill Butrick stated that this hearing will take place on April 11th at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Randy Snyder moved to make an agreement with Officer Art Buckingham allowing for him to be paid full time wages in exchange for the workman’s comp claim to be reimbursed to the City.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried. 

Kevin Lackey moved to publish an ad in the local newspaper to accept bids for mowing City properties.  Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.

Randy Snyder moved to authorize Mayor Stewart to hire part-time police assistance at $11 per hour until Officer Buckingham is able to return to his duties.  Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried 4-1 with Huss voting no. 

8:25 p.m. Scott Huss moved to adjourn.  Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried 4-1 with Kelley voting no.