Regular Council Meeting - June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
PRESENT: Randy Snyder, Lori Kelley and Kevin Lackey. Jerry Twombly and Scott Huss were unable to attend.
ALSO PRESENT: Dorothy Diveley, Ted Collins, Paul Rush and Bill Butrick.
PRESIDING: Mayor Ken Stewart
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present.
Randy Snyder moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held May 9, 2012. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.
Kevin Lackey moved to approve the bills for the month of May 2012. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
City Clerk Bill Butrick reviewed the 2011 audit with the Council and also went over recommendations for the 2013 budget. Butrick asked Council members to get with him before the July meeting if they had any changes or additions.
Mayor Stewart and Clerk Butrick gave a brief update on the injury status of Officer Buckingham.
A brief discussion was held concerning the drainage on N. Nebraska Street. Mayor Stewart asked that this issue be tabled until the next Regular Council meeting when all members are present.
Mayor Stewart asked if anyone had a recommendation for a volunteer to be in charge of the 4th of July activities. After no response, the Mayor said to call him about any questions about the 4th and that the fireworks will be done on the 4th as well as most all of the activities. He went on to say that the Hair Fanatics would be in charge of the parade and that Pride will be having their Ice Cream Social. Anyone interested in being in charge of the kids activities should contact the Mayor.
The Council discussed the switching of the old city shop with Rural Fire District #2 for their building area at 201 N. Genesee. City Attorney Ted Collins stated that there was an agreement done previously and that agreement would need to be changed if any action was taken. Mayor Stewart asked that this issue be tabled until the next Regular Council meeting until more information is available.
The following bids were received to asphalt portions of East Pennsylvania Street and all of North Carolina Street to the intersection of North Vermillion Street: Bettis Asphalt-$77,290; Hamm Asphalt Inc.-$76,150; Herzog Contracting Corp.-$66,099. Kevin Lackey moved to accept the low bid of Herzog Contracting Corp. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Paul Rush with RWD #6 gave a brief update about regionalization and the option of blending water with City wells. He went on to say that the District will be voting next week to determine the direction they will take.
City Attorney Ted Collins updated the Council on the progress of the Zoning Ordinance. He further stated Scott Michie, Bill Butrick and himself will be having a conference call on Friday, June 15 2012, to review the procedures manual.
Dorothy Diveley said that 10 banners had been repaired and that 6 more are still unaccounted for and that they would be ready to have them placed back on the poles as soon as City Maintenance has time to install them.
Mayor Stewart asked the Council to look into possible land available to build a sports complex for the community. He explained that it would take at least 10 acres to have a complex that would be suitable.
A brief discussion was held concerning the annual renewal of the Ball Park contract with Highland Community College and Doniphan West School District #111. Mayor Stewart asked that this renewal be tabled until the next Regular Council meeting allowing the School District a chance to review the current information.
Randy Snyder moved to approve the Personnel and Police Manuals for 2012 with no additions or changes. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
Mayor Stewart and Clerk Butrick explained that the switch over to Rainbow Communications to provide phone and internet service would save the City approximately $230 per month. However, the current phone system would have to be updated to allow for the change. Butrick stated that the new system bid was $2,263 but that a used system, still under warranty, could be purchased for $1,110. Randy Snyder moved to purchase the used phone system from Rainbow Communications. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.
Randy Snyder asked about the fence around the horse shoe pit area and the restroom doors at the City Ball Park being open and not locked. Mayor Stewart said he would talk with Aaron Leach to get these issues taken care of.
Councilman Snyder requested that the Law Enforcement Committee meet to discuss the complaints about the ATVs being driven on City streets. Mayor Stewart asked the Committee to bring their suggestions back to the next Regular Council Meeting.
Kevin Lackey asked about the dirt and debris that was being placed on the 100 block of South Nebraska Street. Mayor Stewart explained that the dirt was coming from the West Missouri Street project and being hauled there to help level the property for mowing.
7:42 p.m. Lori Kelley moved to adjourn. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.