Regular Council Meeting - July 11, 2012
JULY 11, 2012
PRESENT: Jerry Twombly, Randy Snyder, Scott Huss, Kevin Lackey and Lori Kelley.
ALSO PRESENT: Brandon Whetstine, Bill Butrick, Mike Batchelder, Alan Simmons, Jim Gilmore, Pam Twombly, Jim Twombly, Dean Diveley, Bob McCauley, Dennis Snyder, Dorothy Diveley, Dennis Lentz, George Moore, Wanda Adkins, Ted Collins and Melanie Hollabaugh.
PRESIDING: Mayor Ken Stewart
The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. with all Council Members present.
Mayor Stewart began the meeting by stating that he would like to thank Megan Jeschke and Wendy Simmons for all of their hard work on the 4th of July activities. He would also like to thank the Doniphan West Cheerleaders for their help with the children’s activities and the Fire Department for a job well done with the fireworks.
Scott Huss moved to approve the minutes of the last Regular Council Meeting held June 13, 2012. Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.
Kevin Lackey moved to approve the bills for the month of June. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Assistant City Clerk Melanie Hollabaugh took pictures of the Mayor and Council Members to update the City’s website.
Police Chief Brandon Whetstine reported to the Council that Highland had been pretty quiet lately but he did have two big cases going through District Court at this time. He also stated that Deputy Police Officer Art Buckingham has been progressing well since the injury to his shoulder and the doctor’s are hoping that he might return to work as soon as November or December.
Chief Whetstine told the Council that at this time Officer Blaine Kennedy of the Wathena Police Department is still covering scheduled time for the City and will be able to continue to help out until Officer Buckingham returns. Officer Dustin Robinson can no longer be on the schedule but he could help out possibly in emergency situations. Due to the College coming back in session in the middle of August, Chief Whetstine stated he would like to find another certified officer to come up and cover some of the scheduled hours.
Dorothy Diveley stated that the Kansas Flag at the Welcome to Highland sign had been taken down and repaired. She also told the Council that more of the banners had been repaired and they now had 15 banners ready to be put up.
Jim Gilmore expressed some concerns about the fence being taken out around the horse shoe area and the weeds taking over the sand volleyball court at the City Ball Park. Mayor Stewart said the fence had been taken down to help in mowing. The Mayor stated he would talk to Maintenance about putting the fence back up and spraying the weeds in the volleyball area.
Scott Huss asked about a problem with one of the light poles and the scoreboard at the City Ball Park. Mayor Stewart said the Maintenance crew are aware of the problems and are currently working with Ben Leatherman of Eagle Electric to perform the necessary repairs.
The Street and Alley Committee had looked into the drainage problem on North Nebraska Street. Mayor Stewart stated that the water is not running in the ditch properly and he will talk to Maintenance about opening up the ditch on the South end of that street to correct the problem.
The Law Enforcement Committee discussed some problems the City is having with people violating the 4-wheeler Ordinance. Several expressed concerns about loud noise late at night, speeding and reckless driving in town on the 4-wheelers. Chief Whetstine stated that this is a very challenging problem they have to deal with. Mayor Stewart stated he would like to see some stern warnings given out to help correct the problem.
A brief discussion was held concerning the switching of properties, that shop buildings are currently located on, with the Rural Fire District. Kevin Lackey moved to proceed with the exchange of properties with the Rural Fire District and to have City Attorney Ted Collins prepare the Ordinance and perform the necessary title work as soon as possible. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Randy Snyder moved to renew the annual contract for use of the City Ball Park with Highland Community College and Doniphan West Schools with no changes for the 2012-2013 school year. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried.
Jerry Twombly moved to approve Change Order #1 for Street Grant Project #11-PF-035 to purchase and install a new tube on Kirkwood Street for $2800.00. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.
Randy Snyder moved to continue laying asphalt on West Avenue to include the City limits. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Lori Kelley moved to approve Payment Request #1 from King’s Construction for Grant Project #11-PF-035 in the amount of $125,854.00. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Kevin Lackey moved to approve Change Order #2 for Street Grant Project #11-PF-035 for replacing two tubes on Missouri Street for $4955.00. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
Scott Huss moved to accept the Mayor’s Proclamation to support Austin Veach in the upcoming Kansas Shrine Bowl. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.
Lori Kelley moved to publish the proposed Budget for 2013 and for the Public Hearing to be held on August 8, 2012. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
A brief discussion was held concerning Jerry and Pam Twombly’s request for re-zoning from I-2 to R-3 in Block #105, Lots 11-12 and 1-2. Mayor Stewart asked Council Member Twombly to remove himself from the Council table at this time. Dennis Lentz expressed his concerns about noise in the residential area and access to his property. City Attorney Ted Collins and Mr. Lentz discussed the vacating of South Nebraska Street and determined that a meeting should be held with Mayor Ken Stewart, Emmett Cole, Mr. Collins and Mr. Lentz decide the access for the area involved. Randy Snyder moved, 2nd by Lori Kelley, to accept the recommendation of the Doniphan County Regional Planning Commission, to approve the zoning change and adopt it as Ordinance #506 By roll call vote: Snyder-yes, Kelley-yes, Lackey-yes, Huss-abstained. Motion carried 3-0-1.
7:40p.m. Kevin Lackey moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss starting full-time salary for Melanie Hollabaugh effective July 28, 2012 and for Bill Butrick to remain. Scott Huss 2nd, motion carried.
7:50p.m. Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.
Kevin Lackey moved to hire Melanie Hollabaugh, as a full-time employee beginning July 28, 2012, at Step 13 on the salary scale. Randy Snyder 2nd, motion carried.
Mayor Ken Stewart updated the Council on RWD#6. He said he received a call from Paul Rush of RWD#6 asking if the City would be interested in connecting with them for future use. The Mayor informed the Council he would be emailing them additional information for them to consider and that the issue be discussed at the next Regular Council meeting.
7:55p.m. Randy Snyder moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel for 15 minutes. Jerry Twombly 2nd, motion carried.
8:05p.m. Scott Huss moved to come out of executive session. Lori Kelley 2nd, motion carried
8:05p.m. Scott Huss moved to adjourn. Kevin Lackey 2nd, motion carried.