News Update

10/18/2009 16:39

COMMODITY PARTICIPANTS:  Please pick up you commodity distribution on WED., OCT. 28th any time after 7a.m..

The products are as follows:  egg mix; vegetable soup; canned chicken,(for the larger families only); orange juice; peaches; roasted peanuts, I don’t know if they are in the shell or shelled); walnts; ultra high temp 1% milk; and instant milk.  I will be calling you on the 27th to remind you to come in.  If there are those in the area who would like to try to meet the financial requirements for the program, please call me NOW at 785-442-5550 so I can determine if you are eligible and divide the food up accordingly.


GOOD NEWS:  We will now have our own web site under the City of Highland, city services.  Not only will you be able to access events that are taking place during the current month, but will be able to read my weekly news article instead of buying a KS Chief.  Of course, this service is for those who have computers with internet access.  I am real excited about this service and I will let you know about where to look for us.


DON’T FORGET!  The fall Senior Dance on Thursday the 29th of October at Elwood Community Building.  The dance will be from 1-3p.m. with admission of $2.00 per person at the door to pay for the live music.  The theme of the party is a masquerade so dig out an old mask or come in full costume and join in the fun.  If you can, bring a snack to share with everyone.  The will be a number of free drawings as well as several raffle drawings consisting of free meals, free transportation rides, and popcorn tins filled to the brim with a variety of popped corn.  The will be a big prize for the best costume, excluding the staff.  We hope to see you there.  Our dances are great and the snacks delicious.


MARK YOUR CALENDARS:  We will be participating in a WII bowling tournament Tuesday, Nov. 10th beginning at 10:30a.m..  The winners of the tournament will then compete at the Wathena Healthcare Center toward the end of the month.  The date hasn’t been confirmed yet.  Reserve a lunch for the 10th, come early to have some fun.  Believe me, none of us know what we are doing, but we will enjoy doing it.  The menu for the day is chili, relishes, pineapple and a big, delicious cinnamon  roll. 


The eligibility for joining in our meals on wheels program is that you be 60 yrs old or older, period.  Pick up a menu and choose a lunch or two or more and then remember to call 442-5550 by 9:30a.m. the day before you wish to eat.  We do ask a suggested donation of $2.75 per meal, if possible.  We also do carryout meals.  We have full meal deals, including beverages and dessert that are delicious and nutritious. 


POT-LUCK SUPPER is Friday, October 30th starting at 6p.m..  The turnout for these monthly gatherings has been very  good.  Why not fix your favorite dish to share, get out of your house and have some fun right here at our center?


 Halloween will be here very soon AND it’s on a Saturday so everyone get prepared for lots of ghost and goblins, cowboys and Indians, space men, monsters and everything in between knocking on your door.  Have a boo-ti-ful week.