Support Local Businesses
03/14/2012 17:22
Local businesses are the back-bone of the community. In these tough economic times small businesses can really struggle to make ends meet. It is really important that citizens’ support the local businesses all you can. Please remember they made an investment in this...
03/14/2012 17:21
At the present time the city has four crosswalks that everyone needs to be aware of. The City strongly recommends that these crosswalks be used, especially by the students, and that motorists know the laws regarding a crosswalk. The crosswalks are located at the intersection...
ATV's and Other Off-Road Vehicles
03/14/2012 17:14
ATV’S, 4-wheelers and similar off-road vehicles can not be driven on city streets unless you are going to or from town and you must take the shortest route in both instances. If re-fueling is necessary you must do this on your way in or out of town. These vehicles are not...
Check Local Weather Conditions
10/02/2009 17:16