2011-2012 Officers
President - Marian Thompson
Vice President - Gloria Simmons - Winder
Secretary - Kathleen Twombly
Treasurer - Dorothy Diveley
Mission Statement
Highland PRIDE is an organization totally interested in this community. Our mission is to promote community cooperation, community progress, community development, and community self-esteem. PRIDE plans, promotes, and participates in many areas that will improve the quality of living for the entire populace so that those outside our area will recognize the benefits of such a community spirit.
Vision Statement
Highland Pride members are dedicated to community enrichment, focusing on maintaining a rural quality of life by providing a clean and safe environment in a "friendly town" of atmosphere. Our future plans include affordable housing, continued support of our progressive facilities, our local businesses, and the creation of new business opportunities. "The Welcome Mat is always out".
Welcome Chairperson: Karen Rockhold
PRIDE Photographer: Kenny Tilton
Scrap Book Keeper: Helen Lewis
Food Pantry Chairperson: Marian Thompson
To contack your Neighbor-West Food Pantry, call: 785-442-3323
Items for sale: Irvin Hall Ornaments: $1.00
Highland PRIDE impacts not only our community, but also the surrounding communities of Doniphan County. Help Your Neighbor-West Food Pantry serves families in all the county. Meals on Wheels serves families in White Cloud, Denton, Severance, and Bendena. Highland PRIDE secures the volunteers to deliver meals 5 days a week to these towns.
PRIDE organizes activities for holidays: on 4th of July, PRIDE has a float in the parade, ice cream social at the football stadium, and helps with fire works and a special program. They usually have a float in the Halloween parade. They organize the special service for Memorial Day annually. Christmas time offers outdoor decorating contest, Christmas greeting poster contest for school children, and street decorations.
Many hours are spent on beautifying the town with planters on the streets and flower pods in Degginger Park. Trees have been planted and shrubs trimmed. PRIDE cooperates with the city in annual town clean-up. Some of the projects of the past have included: street banners, trash recepticles, planters, playground equipment, help with community building and the welcome sign. The entire community is always envolved in special benefit dinners, appreciation dinners, and celebrations. All ages work together to accomplish the many goals planned for the year.
Everyone is welcome to come to the meetings. Check the local newspaper for time and place. It is usually on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00am at the City Hall.