Public Works
Pictured Above: City Superintendent Jeff Riley
Phone: 785-442-3400
City Worker: Aaron Leach
A single family residence connecting to city water is a $500 fee for what is called a 5/8” meter. The city will usually place the meter jar and meter on the owner’s side of the property line and the owner will be responsible for all other connections to get water to their residence. Any meter size bigger than this will be referred to in the city’s ordinance and will need to be directed to the City Clerk’s office for information. The sewer connection is the responsibility of the owner to tie on to the city’s main and a member of the city maintenance staff must be there when the line is tied in. There is a $25 charge for a sewer connection. Inside city limit rates for single family customers are $19.00 for the first thousand gallon used in a month and $4.25 per thousand gallon over the first thousand. The average sewer rate is $19.75 which is placed on all new customers until a winter rate is established after one year. The sewer rate for water users under 3000 gallon a month is $16.00 and is increased at $1.25 per thousand over the 3000 gallon. The sewer rate is capped at $22.25 for single family residences. Before city water will be turned on for a new customer he/she must pay a $20 administrative fee at the Clerk’s office and sign a confirmation sheet which explains the rates and penalties. Water and sewer payments are due on the 10th of each month or a 10% penalty is added on. Payments not received by the 20th of each month are subject to termination of service unless prior arrangements have been made with the Clerk’s office.
Always remember to call “Dig Safe” before doing any type of construction where electric, gas, water, sewer, phone, cable TV or other utility lines may be located. Regardless if you think you know where these lines are, you still need to call “Dig Safe.” Should you not call “Dig Safe” and hit one of these lines, there can be a very significant fine involved as well as you being responsible for the costs. The number to call is 811 or 1-800-DIG-SAFE (1-800-344-7233.)
The city has a weed ordinance that is enforced by the Police Department. Should weeds or lawns become too tall, law enforcement will issue a notice that the premises must be mowed or the City will address the problem and charges will be assessed against you. Please remember it is illegal to throw grass into city streets. Grass clippings thrown into the streets usually end up in the city’s storm sewers and this can lead to expensive problems. If these problems happen it will usually be passed on to the citizens of this community to help pay for this, so remember what may seem harmless can actually cause a financial burden on you and your neighbors. Certain types of commercial crops are not allowed in most areas of the city.
The City asks all citizens to cooperate in making Highland a safe and attractive community. Ordinances are in place that prohibit unsafe, dangerous, blighted and unhealthy properties and enforcement of these issues can be time consuming and extremely costly for both the city and landowner. Please remember that your property can also affect the value of your neighbors’ property and it takes everyone to keep the city clean and safe.
The City Maintenance shop is located at 203 N. Genesee Street. The maintenance crew is responsible for maintaining the city’s water & sewer utility. Two water samples are taken each month to test for coliform bacteria. Nitrate samples and other chemical tests are required by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment as well. The City Clerk’s Office sends out an annual Consumer Confidence Report which shows the testing results of the water system. Environmental Laboratories has been hired by the city to perform the wastewater-lagoon testing. These test samples are done on a quarterly basis.
Maintenance Personnel is also responsible for city street maintenance, mowing, Parks & recreation up-keep as well as many other duties.