

St. Benedict's Church

676 St. Benedict Road

P.O. Box 128

Bendena, Kansas 66008

(785) 359-6725

Mass:  Sunday's  8:00am


St. Charles Church

520 W. Chestnut

P.O. Box 456

Troy, Kansas 66087

(785) 985-2271

Mass:  Sunday's  10:15am


St. Joseph's Church

102 S. 7th Street

P.O. Box 159

Wathena, Kansas 66090

(785) 989-4818

Mass:  Saturday Evening  5:00 p.m.


Highland United Methodist Presbyterian Church

The United Methodist Presbyterian Church combines the traditions of Christianity found in both the United Methodist and the Presbyterian Church USA. 

The church as a long witness in Highland.  Our Presbyterian founders came oriiginally to minister to the Iowa, Sac and Fox Native American peoples in 1837, and stayed on to found the town and the college.  Our Methodist heritage began in 1837, the same year the town of Highland was born.

Located at the corner of Main Street and South Avenue across from Highland Community College

Phone:  (785) 442-3642


Highland Christian Church

102 East Main Street

Highland, Kansas 66035

(785) 442-3447